Join Zyviz.com, Earn More,
and... Win iPhone!
Win prizes by joining us as a partnering KOL?
You heard me right! Join us to earn advertising revenue, and even get a chance to win an iPhone 13 mini!

How to join?
Complete these steps
*Due to overwhelming request, offer is extended to Father's Day*
In this “Join Zyviz, Earn More, and Win iPhone” campaign, only KOLs from Singapore with YouTube channels and a valid Singaporean address are eligible.

Join us as a partnering influencer (We will then contact you to confirm your registration, and open a zyviz.com account for you if you don't have one)

Once you receive a confirmation and have an account, you can start submitting your videos to Zyviz.com, and we will try our best to match an ad to your video.

After you publish your video(s) with our inserted ad(s) onto Youtube, you will automatically get a chance to win an iPhone 13 mini, and receive our normal profit sharing for the corresponding videos.

Note: Once the video with our inserted ad is published onto your Youtube channel, this video is considered as an eligible video used in the following game rules.

On Father's Day, June 19, 2022, screenshot the video with our ad inserted on YouTube. Important: The view count and the advertisement must be clearly visible in the screenshot (they are used to determine the winner)+.

+ To ensure that the screenshot is captured on 19th June, 2022, we will validate your view counts on 20th of June from YouTube, and the view count shown in the screenshot should have a discrepancy of less than 20% compared to our validated view count to be eligible.
How to win?
1. Send us the screenshot(s) via your Zyviz WhatsApp Group (You will have your dedicated WhatsApp group once you join us).
2. Finally, using the following formula, the KOL’s videos with a Score closest to 5,201,314^ will win the prize:
Score = [total view count of (one or more)* eligible videos] × [an integer between 1 and 10000]^^ .........(1)
^Your Score given by formula (1) can be above or below 5,201,314. Our winning criteria is to obtain a number closest to 5,201,314.
*You can submit one or more of your eligible videos that will give a Score closest to 5,201,314.
^^You may choose any integer between 1 and 10000 to be multiplied to your total view count from your submitted videos to get a Score that is closest to 5,201,314.
i. The winner will have to provide a valid Singaporean phone number and address for delivery of the prize.
ii. Should there be a tie, the KOL who sends in the screenshots first will win the prize.
iii. We will try our best to match an advertisement to your videos, although this is not guaranteed.
iv. Existing Singaporean KOLs can also participate in this game.
v. Zyviz.com reserves the right to make all final decisions.
vi. The above activities are subject to the relevant legal terms and conditions in Singapore.